среда, 24 апреля 2013 г.

Вlack magic

Вlack magic

 The version. The scenario "Black magic" under Bulgakov's novel "the Master and Margarita"

The author of the photo and the scenario Shershova E.

Chapter 1.

Part 1. Don't talk to strangers.

Moscow. The patriarchal ponds.

Michael Berlioz (the chairman of literary association)

For preference malicious not almost, Ivan,
To us beer, after all so the heat hoots.
As though the middle of summer.
Furious simply May.
Ivan Ponyryov (the pseudonym the Homeless, the poet)
Air freezes.
Evening is heavier today than day.
As the true successor
It is insatiable and alien to griefs.

Michael Berlioz

Look, the stall beer!
Pour e, on the beer mug!
How? Isn't present?

The seller

Here aerated water warm.
Will descend?

Michael Berlioz

Will descend.

The homeless

Notice, in all avenue
Anybody after all isn't present.
And the sun for the Garden ring
In the fog somewhere it was went.

Michael Berlioz

But, what it with me?
Here would remove the black frame,
Which on all person,
Also would give to the move!
Has escaped from ponds!
And forty years mine it is not counted
For strange desire.
It is time to me to go to Kislovodsk,
And that was tired.

The homeless

Let's go, on the bench we will sit down,
On that, what to street Bronnoj the back.
The pond kind will calm at once.

Michael Berlioz

Faugh, you of lines!
From air the figure was suddenly weaved.
You look!
Air jacket.
And the cage simply miracle.
Short trousers.
Mocking kind such!
The certificate it is direct to Jews
About the repentance,
One in one!
Hallucinations it is the plenty.
Knees have begun to shake,
As drunk.
Was tired, as fig.
Also what it with me?
I do not understand.

The homeless

I do not see anything.

Michael Berlioz

Well, means, from the heat I suffer.
And tell to me, what you have written?

The homeless

Here - here as you asked,
About life of god,
That it is the old world.
To us with it not on road.
Has in passing specified,
As pagans slaves
Divine laws.
The Christ of showed
To those people,
Who heard the word.
And the word of god
Those people haven't rejected.
After all presently
That dough that mix
To correct,
All the same,
What pie to us is?
There is no beer, it is possible to drink
What bosh,
That the name of the patriarch
As dough
Became, or roots
For the next day kind olives,
For god it is food promises,
And to us that myth to observe?
Let in Rome there will be patriarchs,
At us the socialism!
So for magazine I have written.
As you asked.
Truthfully left,
Isn't present lie gramme.

Michael Berlioz

Error in that yours,
That you haven't understood,
I spoke,
That there is no Christ!
To live on light,
It is necessary to reject result
Thrones, kingdoms,
And revelations of crucifixions
And the cross.
About it I asked you.

The homeless


Michael Berlioz

"Annals" you looked Tatsita?
After all didn't seem to it,
That execution of the Christ is forgotten,
And that is forgotten, it is impossible so suddenly,
After centuries to consider as the error.
Execution - the empty phrase!
Later someone has attributed it.
To think only,
He didn't die,
Then answer me, whether he could be born?
In live also there was no Christ!
It is possible to believe,
To the pure maiden
Obviously to give birth.
The East religion is based on it.
On that god was given birth by her.
But here, tell to me,
How to understand,
That Divine Spirit,
As the pigeon,
Also descends suddenly
To the favourite
With heavens, so as if
That will the higher to execute.
At that time ostensibly
Kreshchyon Jesus.
And water leaves.
And here not copes edge,
And the pigeon!

The homeless

Look, the foreigner!
Suit road.
And the knob strange,
With the dog head
On the cane.
Goes here.
So it is accurate,
That it is not pleasant something.
Till we here shook
Air, it half of life
Under lindens here goes,
The Avenue was empty!
Whether limps that?
In greyish shoes.
And from top to bottom
Clothes tone is picked up.
In gloves?
After all there is the heat.
What Veronese would describe
As this Englishman looks!
By sight years forty. Perhaps it is more.

Michael Berlioz

The German it, or the Frenchman.
With zavidnejshej destiny shines.

The homeless

It as if head over heels flies,
That advantage,
Who so is able to go by the ground!
The destiny here strives to agitate.
Escaping in flight, we won't escape.
Water and shade -
Not easier air,
The mind to me stirs up.
Extravagant moth from sections
Flies along the faded avenue.
Now my hallucinations.

Michael Berlioz

Will pass, but to business.
I ask, Ivan, the story
The such should be,
That the Christ wasn't born never!

The stranger

Sorry, please,
Moscow as early light,
And Pure Ponds as pure soul,
Not that shows to us Eskorial,
Violent Madrid.
And your conversation is strangest.
I with you am unfamiliar, but
I afford the subject of your conversation
To smooth.

Michael Berlioz  in a whisper

So it the Spaniard?
To the Spaniard it is not similar!
So the hell precipice doesn't groan,
As it has uttered the apology!

The stranger

You assert, what god isn't present?
Therefore its execution is impossible?
Therefore and the death isn't present,
How probabilities for god?

Michael Berlioz

Precisely. God isn't present.
About the seed of its conception
In the haze of centuries
Nobody could find the consent.
Anybody and execution hasn't fixed it.

The stranger

Let's lower the haze,
Especially centuries.
Let's lower also conception ashes.
Ridiculous writing to that.
Let's leave the consent chorus,
Words, acts, thoughts,
Damnations, at us concrete with you
Conversation, after all belief in god
Heart to you doesn't fill?

Michael Berlioz


The stranger

So means atheists you,
And spirit of negation by the dark
Are blinded!
Admit, it is the somnolence rumble
Your invented world.
I to anybody after all won't tell.

Michael Berlioz

We are atheists!
It is the reality, not the dream.
Support of our life
In myth negation.
It is necessary to note,
Fairy tales for blind men.
About it speak openly!
To us of the proof
Most important!
In our country for a long time
Meaningly nobody believes in God.
Also isn't present in that secret, forgive, anything!

The stranger

I thank you
Triumph in heart!
From the bottom of the heart, and without the limit!

The homeless

How it to understand?
For what to thank,
Here the gratitude is inappropriate!

The stranger

For data.
They are important.
They are born the rumour
Also sprout in belief.

(The stranger thinks)

Blows of copper bowls of death fierce rattle,
From the chasm fiery
God was,
That disbelief fire to stop,
Let for the minute,
That only heart has revived.

The stranger

And as
After all them exactly five.
To us the Genesis as the sign, that
Recreancy spirit to expel.
Though to you it and on customs.
Notice, how deny
The reality remains the reality.

Michael Berlioz

What else reality!
After all reason area
Us approaches to knowledge.
And there there are no proofs
Lives of the Christ!
There is no occasion,
To be put to those concepts,
Where people would become belief slaves.

The stranger

To think only!
In the field of reason?
And where still?
To us this area - life grains.
Or your way the brand?
That only scientific world to understand.
The Edging has told about it.
This sixth proof.
It so has destroyed five.
And over itself to laugh
Has thought up the new variant.

The homeless

To take this Edging,
Yes to the Solovki to banish
For this proof!
Three years it should give!
Pettiness, what!
Nonexistent to please!
To confuse people,
As though to live easily it.
The idler this Edging!

Michael Berlioz

Ivan! Come round!
It is not necessary so.
At leisure o'clock it is careless
Our customs.

The stranger

Correctly! Correctly!
Gluttonous deafness,
Punishing, judges.
After all spoke
I to the Edging at breakfast.
Of shower and dreams it is full, and secret thirst
To get rid of the grief, and the sin supposedly
As you please, but after all the theory is ridiculous.
The sixth, as one of proofs,
Denies life sphere
And the transcendental world
On this place puts.

Michael Berlioz

Three times life in circles
Beyond the grave?
At breakfast?
But as!
After all the Edging has died for a long time.

The homeless

And it is a pity.

The stranger

Torments for fault
It cargo eternal carries.
And life there,
Where there was the word.
But here such question:
Time of god isn't present,
That who operates life
And the schedule on the earth?

The homeless

The person also operates.

The stranger

To operate
Motives are necessary,
The exact plan is necessary
Years so on one thousand.
After all it is a lot of roads,
The majority of them
So are curve that it is better
Way not to begin.
After all it is told, knees straighten
Without knowledge of craft
Lay the way
For feet, not the parable of day,
And the track,
That the dislocation to cure the.
Where the right way?
Who will tell to you?
When for you the word - game,
Wine in the glass,
And your hop of god denies.
You brothers on the table.
Fruitlessly hour having spent,
To you of the new rate knock is important,
The table bends,
Clinking of glasses is audible,
Pier, feet to the house will finish!
How here to speak
About plans?
Therefore the question:
How life can be operated?
After all the person can't
For the life the answer to hold.
It in tiresome chatter,
At times, instants spends.
All life it is has gained, littered,
Wound, lost, but which-what
Nevertheless wears the dress.
Answer me, as the person
Will make the plan,
When today it to tell not in forces,
What tomorrow waits for it?
Here we will tell,
Will be going to go to Kislovodsk,
And it can't.
And why?
It can slip,
And at once under the tram.
The confluence is circumstances.
And new day was gone.
After all the person is mortal.
Suddenness - here the trouble!
When we remember the death name.
Coincidence of circumstances -
Here to you exact term.

Michael Berlioz

How on the brink before the collapse?
Or the plane loses the course and fuel,
All at once?
Both neither from that and nor from this
Eat soup, and he is poisoned?

The stranger

I assure you that of any case
From this to you threatens nothing.
Unexpectedly happens nothing.
More soon, causal lives the course.
You will die death another.

Michael Berlioz

And, maybe, you know, what?
Also will tell to me!
Redeeming time,
That secretly,
The obvious should be.

The stranger

The war god in the second house.
Six - misfortune.
The sky is transparent.
And day isn't present even.
Today this term.
To you the head will cut off!

Michael Berlioz

To go mad!
Likely, interventionists!
Or the dashing shade of the enemy
Hurriedly the courageous!
Who? How to learn?

The stranger

To learn easily.
The member of the Komsomol will cut off the head to you.
Not interventionists,
Not the villain,
And the woman.
Other woman
Under feet oil to you will spill.
She lives nearby.
Besides in the house volume,
Where you lived.
The secret isn't present.
She has bought oil.
And the name its Anna.
Let's lower all bewilderment,
Coincidence of circumstances
And the forecast.
And at me such question,
Tonight at you
What plans?

Michael Berlioz

I will be the chairman.
We collect Massolit.

The stranger

Can't be.

Michael Berlioz

And why? Allow to ask you.
The stranger
That is why that oil is spilt.

The homeless

What oil!
That for bosh!
You with the head
Be not on friendly terms after all obviously!
Clinic for you
Should be!
Such to speak!
Not the confession after all it is obvious!
Whether the tsar of the world that?
Or Emmanuil!
And their intermediary zealous can!
You, whether know, it is necessary to treat!
And that smothering at you as the anchor.
On the bottom will tighten, can be very much.

Michael Berlioz

Ivan! What for you so!
It is not necessary.

The stranger

Happened in the clinic,
Where only didn't happen,
But hasn't asked,
As the schizophrenia is treated,
You, I think, will manage to ask.
When you aren't slow to open the soul there.
You want to smoke?
Ivan Nikolaevich?

The homeless

Yes. I want to smoke.
But whence you know,
How my name is?

The stranger

What cigarettes prefer?

The homeless

And at you it is a lot of them?

The stranger

What prefer?

The homeless

«Our mark».

The stranger

Here «Our mark».
And I know you?
In the newspaper have written,
Here the first page and article.

The homeless

And your documents it is possible?
Suddenly you the spy.
Have arrived to learn here something.

The stranger

Has forgotten to present itself to you.
Here my card and the passport.
And the invitation for consultations.

Michael Berlioz

And at you what speciality?

The stranger

The professor of black magic,
It will be presented.
In Moscow there are manuscripts.
The tenth century.
In library.
There to disassemble them it is necessary.

Michael Berlioz

А-а, you the historian!

The stranger

Today on the Patriarchal
There will be the big history.
Keep in mind,
That God is!
I warn!

Michael Berlioz

We respect your knowledge.
But at us the point of view
On existence of god.
And it absolutely another.
Distinct from yours.

The stranger

Instead of it is necessary any points of view!
Simply the Christ existed, and all.
As the wind morning,
As clouds in the sky.
As light of heavens immemorial,
As the twilight at night
Throws the bitter lot.
God is!
And all.

Michael Berlioz

But it is required
Any proof!

The stranger

It is not necessary proofs!
All is simple.
Early in the morning shuffling gait
The cavalryman
In the white raincoat with the bloody lining.
On fourteenth of May
In the covered colonnade of the palace
The tyrant Great
There was the procurator of Judea
Ponty Pilat.

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